Happy Canada Day!
Canada Day said by Chris Campbell
Canada Day said by Chris Campbell
Picturesque alleyway. Nomadic Lana Dates: June 29 until September 30 Location: Throughout Victoria Websites: https://www.tourismvictoria.com/reconnect With Destination Greater Victoria we…
Pride Week by rulenumberone2 Dates: June 28 to July 5 Location: Anywhere Online Websites: https://victoriapridesociety.org/ Although the annual Victoria Pride…
A man with a saxophone by Maria Eklind Dates: TBA Location: Throughout Saanich Websites: https://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/parks-recreation-community/parks/events-in-park/music-in-the-park.html As an alternative to Music…
Playground gymnastics by Lotus Johnson Location: Victoria Parks & Recreation Facilities Websites: https://www.victoria.ca/EN/meta/news/news-archives/2020-news/playgrounds-open-under-parks-and-recreation-recovery-plan.html Since level 2 all of the cities…